


Guangzhou Marco Electronics & Technology Co., Limited



Product Details
  • 204 Audio Processor

204 Sound stimulator increases high-frequency resolution, low-frequency depth,but did not significantly improve the signal level, resulting in amplifier, speaker damage.

204 Sound stimulator is dual-channel machine that can handle stereo signals.

---Each channel has a separate PROCESS bypass control

---Each channel is equipped with six control knobs

---3 control high frequency sound stimulators

---Three control low frequency depths

Rotary function description (from left to right):

---DRIVE (Bass depth gain function)

---TUNE (Adjusts the bass frequency range 50Hz-190Hz)

---MIX ( Mixing ratio of Direct raw signal and Side chain processing signals)

---TUNE (Angular frequency of High-pass filter, Change the control frequency 800Hz-6KHz)

---HARMONICS (Adjusts the sum sound level (middle, high frequency) gain change)

---MIX (Mixing ratio of direct raw signal and the processing change)


Freq. Response: 10Hz-38kHz (+0.5dB)

Dynamic Range: 120dB

Noise: -93dBu

Interference: -79dB

Distortion: 0.003%

Intermodulation Distortion: 0.007%

Power: 90-250VAC  50-60Hz,12W

N.W: 2.73kg

G.W: 4.1kg

TEL:+86 020 36677113 PHONE:+86 158 1702 6002

EMAIL:718869806@qq.com QQ:609755491

ADDR:No. 33, Fengxiang Road North, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China

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