


Guangzhou Marco Electronics & Technology Co., Limited



Product Details
  • MC-03


1. In the 8Ω main channel has 220W+220W power and the central channel has 220W power output

2. Automatic / manual input switching

3. Built-in high-quality dual digital echo circuit.

4. Could be connect the recording output terminal for the recording cassette.

5. Could be connect the subwoofer's music output terminal.

6. Could be connected with the other front-end expansion of the output terminal.

7. The rear panel has 2 microphone inputs for wireless microphone input signals.

8. The remote control could controls the volume of the music and microphone, and the lifting tone.

9. Built-in digital stereo tonal controller, can change the tone 2.5 interval, adjustable ± 5 scales, and automatically return to the standard tone after each song.

(Note: In the manual input state, change or stop the music song, lift stone will not automatically return to the standard tone.)


Max. Power(Main Channel): 220W+220W

          (Central Channel): 220W

THD(1kHz, 8Ω): 0.03%

Input Sensitivity/Impedance: 

MIC: 6mV/3.3kΩ

DVD, TAPE, AUX: 300mV/47kΩ

BGM: 300mV/47kΩ

Output level/Impedance

Recording Output: 300mV/2.2kΩ

Music Output: 2.5V/2.2kΩ

Front-end Output: 2.5V/2.5kΩ

Freq. Response

MIC: 20Hz-20kHz, ±3dB

Music: 20Hz-20kHz, ±3dB

Tone Control: 11 steps, ± 5 steps

Power Supply

Voltage: 220V-50Hz

Power Consumption: 760W

Dim(WxHxD): 420x145x430mm

Weight: 15kg

上一篇: MC-05 下一篇:DJ-7

TEL:+86 020 36677113 PHONE:+86 158 1702 6002

EMAIL:718869806@qq.com QQ:609755491

ADDR:No. 33, Fengxiang Road North, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China

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