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Ma Zhang Gymnasium Sound System in Zhanjiang

Follow:1741     Time:2018-12-16 15:30

Zhanjiang Ma Zhang Gymnasium covers an area of 2500 square meters, nearly 30 meters from the top to the ground of gymnasium, about 3500 seats.

Before the refrom of this gym, reverberation time is 6 second, 5 meters away from the outside voice is basically not clear. After design by our engineer, in surrounding wall perforated plate with sound diffusion, top uses 700 square meters of sound-absorbing body. Now reverberation time is within 2.5 second, voice clear, could be hold proference also!

TEL:+86 020 36677113 PHONE:+86 158 1702 6002

EMAIL:718869806@qq.com QQ:609755491

ADDR:No. 33, Fengxiang Road North, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China

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